The SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office of China) is aiming to create a support system to strengthen its fight against infringement within e-commerce and the protection of intellectual property. It has created a work plan in order to achieve this goal by the year 2020, and it has been said that the scheme will be realized over a period of four months. They plan to be harsher on those engaging in IP infringement and intend to make random inspections in key areas (yet to be defined). Furthermore, SIPO has stated that the more “severe” of infringement cases will be published, as to set an example.
The purpose of this technical support system is to not only detect infringement but to track and monitor it too. In addition to this, judgements from previous infringement cases, IP transfer permits and major IP products and services will be included in the databases in order to support learning via AI (artificial intelligence). It has been said that it’s possible that SIPO will contract some foreign IP rights enforcement authorities so that they can make use of their IP databases and integrate them into the work plan.
The databases will be open for use by both the owners of rights, as well as the authorities, allowing for access to and sharing of research on IP infringements. Law enforcement authorities will be able to make use of the detection features for direction when handling cases, as it will be connected to other management systems. [Source: XINHUANET.COM]
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