Thailand – Thai Intellectual Property Department Opposes “Jin Zhentou” Mark in China

Recently, a number of Chinese enterprises have submitted trademark applications for “Jin Zhentou” as a word mark for durian-based products. “Jin Zhentou” in Chinese means “golden pillow” in English and especially “Monthong” in Thai.

As “Monthong” is known as famous variety of Thai durian products throughout the world, the Thai Intellectual Property Department (DIP) consequently filed the opposition to China Trademark Office against “Jin Zhentou” mark in order to protect Thai interests.

According to Mr. Thosapone Dansuputra, the DIP director-general, “Monthong is known worldwide as Thai durian and it cannot be registered as a trademark in China,” he said. Currently, durian is fast becoming a prime fruit in China after Jack Ma demonstrated by selling 80,000 durians on his platform within one minute. This measure aims at protecting Thai fruit exporters and “Monthong” mark as the specific brand of Thailand. [Source: Bangkok Post]

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